Duckz Access Program 🎫 By SuiDuckz

Duckz Access :ticket: is a program from SuiDuckz for future project sustainability, of course with benefits for the community in the future.

Mint Price : 14 Matic
Total Duckz Access :ticket: : 333

Mint Here : Duckz Access Program By SuiDuckz | LaunchMyNFT

Benefits :

  1. Free Mint SuiDuckz NFT in the Future Sui ecosystem (100 Random winners)
  2. Duckz Access Badge on Discord
  3. Duckz Hunter Badge on Discord
  4. Suiduckz WL Spots
  5. Suiduckz OG Role
  6. 20K Xp on
  7. and many more in the future

Notes : Mint uses the Polygon network


did it, hope to be considered

1 Like

wow! Cool! running :man_running: :heart_hands:

nice anout this annou for user

okay okay! lets go fam! sui!

Top lvl!!! SuiDuckz first!

I like this porjct of the world

very nice i will be minted

GOOD LUCK ! I hope communitys hard work will repay :slight_smile:

Good project!!!

Nice Good luck Suiduckz

Great project :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

Wow Nice SuiDuckz for future project sustainability, of course with benefits for the community in the future.

Amazing project and congratulations to the team for their efforts and dedication and highly appreciate the visionary thought of the project.

Like it !! we waitin for this

Don’t miss it everyone :fire:

i got one :slight_smile: very good project.

Интересная новость. Удачи команде проекта. Всего хорошего.

SuiDuckz! Nice one! :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:

Great project, it’s gonna be successful.